Institutions and organizations which can guarantee at least 10 people in a visiting group qualify for our $7 per person group rate. Please note that the form must be filed at least 48 hours in advance of the visit to qualify for the group rate. Museum memberships are not valid for group visits.
Parking is available in the combined Museum of the Great Plains/McMahon Auditorium parking lot (except in the fire lane, which is marked by the spray-painted curb). If the group contains a large number of children (e.g. Boy Scouts of America or church youth programs), there will be a brief explanation of museum rules in our map room before your self-tour begins. When you prepare to leave, we ask that you gather your group in this same map room instead of the lobby. Up to five people from the group can be in the museum store at a time.
If you are making a reservation for a school group, please use our school group visit form.
Questions and concerns can be directed to